A Note Regarding University Policies
University policies and how they are established are found at policies.osu.edu. The only way to ensure you’re working with the current policy is to go to the website and refresh your cache, rather than saving the document or a website as a favorite.
NOTE: If your Arts and Sciences transaction is OSP funded, please contact The Office of Sponsored Programs’ (OSP) Grants Shared Services Center for support.
Forms and Job Aids
ASC Travel Comparison Form
*Travel comparison form effective for travel starting on or after January 1, 2025:
Per Diem and Mileage Journal for SIR Submissions
*Journal effective for travel starting on or after January 1, 2025:
Travel Checklist: Helpful instructions, reminders, and links to policy and helpful web pages for all steps in the travel request, prepaid travel expenses, and reimbursement process.
Spend/Travel Authorization Report (SA) Roles: This checklist contains useful required information needed when creating a Spend Authorization (SA) in Workday for pre-travel approval. This document also provides an overview of the responsibilities of each audience in the SA process and lifespan from the initiation to completion. There is a page with helpful links to training, OSU policy, and Workday reports.
Expense Report (ER) Roles: This checklist contains useful required information needed in an Expense Report (ER) in Workday for travel specific ER’s and non-travel ER’s. This document also provides an overview of the responsibilities of each audience in the ER process and lifespan from the initiation to completion. There is a page with helpful links to training, OSU policy, and Workday reports.
Miscellaneous Payments (MP) Roles: This document contains useful required information needed in a Miscellaneous Payment (MP) in Workday. It will provide an overview of the responsibilities of each audience in the MP process and lifespan from the initiation to completion. There is a page with helpful links to training, OSU policy, and Workday reports.
Business and Finance Tips and Tricks for Miscellaneous Payments
Helpful Links
The Office of University Compliance and Integrity University Policies: All Ohio State policies are available for search (Expenditure, Travel, Purchasing etc.)
Oanda - Financial brokerage website for trading accounts.
Office of the Controller - Website for the Ohio State Controller
Office of Sponsored Programs: Project Administration - Responsible for submitting to funding agencies proposals requesting support for research
Ohio State Administrative Resource Center for Workday
Workday: Workday system (login required)
Business Operations Travel Office - Information on travel through Ohio State, including transportation, lodging, meals, and miscellaneous expenses
OSU Travel Cost Comparison Guide
Ohio State Rental Car Discount Information (login required)
Ohio State Travel Training and Job Aids
Purchasing - Information for suppliers and faculty about purchasing process
Purchasing Card Program - Information on the PCard program