Key Dates and Deadlines
September 1, 2024:
- Course change forms for spring semester to registrar (after ASC approvals)
- Governance Document Revisions: Begin discussions with faculty
September 3, 2024:
- ASC orientation for new chairs and directors
September 9, 2024:
- Completed course proposals for college-supported interdisciplinary team-taught courses due in ASC Curriculum and Assessment services queue in
September 13, 2024:
- ASC Chairs, School Directors, and College Leadership Retreat
September 16, 2024:
- Newark Campus: P&T review meetings for all fourth-year, mandatory and non-mandatory promotion and tenure and promotion cases
September 20, 2024:
- Regional campus promotion and tenure review dossier materials due from candidates to chairs and directors
- Suggested deadline to solicit letters for faculty with Discovery Theme (DT) and joint appointments.
- DT focus area leads provide letters for tenure-track (TT) promotion and tenure reviews. They provide promotion review letters for C/T/P and Research faculty.
- The chair/director of the joint appointment unit provides letters for TT promotion and tenure reviews. They provide promotion review letters for C/T/P and Research faculty.
September 27, 2024:
- Recommended last date to schedule P&T review meetings of the eligible faculty
October 1, 2024:
- Staff mid-year performance reviews begin
October 4, 2024:
- Recommended last date for notifying candidates of results of TIU P&T review (10-day comments period begins)
October 10-11, 2024
- Autumn break
October 18, 2024:
- Deadline for submission of P&T dossiers to college via Interfolio
October 21, 2024:
- Deadline to submit emeritus faculty requests and other personnel-related requests to the college ( for consideration at the November Board of Trustees meeting
October 31, 2024:
- Deadline for TIU Head to provide information regarding faculty salary appeal process to appellant and notify divisional dean
October - November:
- Lima Campus: Faculty Professional Development Committee sends recommendations for SA/FPL to the Dean and Director
November 1, 2024:
- Reports from faculty on FPL in spring 2024 due to
November 20-21, 2024:
- November Board of Trustees meeting
December 2, 2024:
- Curriculum forms (other than course changes) for spring semester due to Registrar (after ASC approval)
- Preliminary nominations for Distinguished University Professor due to divisional deans
- Newark Campus: Due date for faculty to submit FPL and special assignment applications to dean and director
December 4, 2024
- Last day of regularly scheduled classes for autumn semester
January TBD:
- Newark Campus: Due date for submission of faculty annual review materials
January 6, 2025:
- Spring semester begins
January 14, 2025:
- FY2026 Course Assignment Inventory template available in department folders in Teams.
January 17, 2025:
- College target date for notifying candidates of results of college-level P&T reviews (10-day comments period begins)
January 20, 2025:
- Deadline to submit emeritus faculty requests and other personnel-related requests to the college ( for consideration at the February Board of Trustees meeting
January 24, 2025:
- Deadline for college to submit all P&T dossiers to OAA
January 28, 2025:
- Fourth-Year Reappointment Review Workshop
January 29, 2025:
- Board of Trustees meeting
January 31, 2025:
- Reappointment reviews for endowed chairs/professorships due to divisional deans
January - February:
- Mid-year budget review with divisional deans
January - April:
- Recruitment letters from chairs and directors to admitted undergraduate students
February 3, 2025:
- Deadline for college awards submissions
- Recommended departmental due date for submission of faculty annual review materials and fourth year review materials (may use different date as spelled out in departmental documents)
- Course change forms for autumn semester to registrar (after ASC approvals)
- Due date for faculty filing salary grievances to submit required data to chairs and directors for review
February 21, 2025:
- Completed FY2025 Course Assignment Inventory file due to the college via department folders in Teams.
- Chair/Director letter summarizing rank-ordered FPL and SA applications due to the college
February - April:
- Screening meetings for non-mandatory tenure and promotion reviews (following process in unit APT documents)
- TIU annual review and fourth year review meetings
March TBD:
- Lima Campus: Tenure-track annual reviews conducted
March 1, 2025:
- Governance Document Revisions: Submit draft to for approval
March 3, 2025:
- Suggested deadline to solicit letters for faculty with Discovery Theme (DT) and joint appointments.
- DT focus area leads provide letters for tenure-track (TT) annual and fourth-year reviews. They provide reappointment review letters for C/T/P and Research faculty.
- The chair/director of the joint appointment unit provides letters for TT annual, fourth-year reviews. They provide reappointment review letters for C/T/P and Research faculty.
- Regional campus fourth year review and C/T/P and research reappointment review materials due to chairs and directors
- Deadline for providing letter of support for ASC Grants for new Service-Learning Course Proposals
- Deadline for chairs and directors to submit any salary appeals to the divisional deans for review
- Reports from faculty on FPL in autumn 2024 due to
March 10-14, 2025:
- Spring Break
March 17, 2025:
- Recommended last date to schedule review meetings of the eligible faculty for fourth year reviews of assistant professors and reappointment reviews for C/T/P and Research faculty
March 21, 2025:
- Recommended last date for notifying candidates of results of TIU-level fourth-year reviews and C/T/P and Research faculty reappointment reviews (10-day comments period begins)
- Recommended deadline to submit emeritus faculty requests and other personnel-related requests to the college ( for consideration at the April Board of Trustees meeting
March 28, 2025:
- End of annual performance period for staff
- Probationary faculty non-renewal recommendations due to college
- Curriculum forms (other than course changes) for summer term due to Registrar (after ASC approval)
- Annual activity report from department chairs, school directors and college center directors due to divisional deans
March 31, 2025:
- Deadline to submit requests for exclusions from the probationary period to the college for candidates scheduled for mandatory tenure review in 2024-2025
April TBD:
- Notification to college office of P&T decisions by the provost
April 4, 2025:
- Fourth year review and C/T/P and Research reappointment dossiers due to the college via Interfolio
- Deadline for submitting nominations for faculty to participate in the Big Ten Alliance Academic Leadership and Department Executive Officer Programs to
April 15, 2025:
- Divisional Deans to complete review of Course Assignment Inventories and communicate with chairs/directors regarding any changes
April 16, 2025:
- Board of Trustees meeting at which promotion and tenure cases are formally approved
April 21, 2025:
- Last day of regularly scheduled spring semester classes
April 28, 2025:
- Suggested target date for completing annual review meetings
- Suggested target date for identifying all candidates for non-mandatory P&T reviews
- Suggested target date to begin determining and seeking approval from college for External Evaluators for 2025-26 P&T cases
- Deadline for completion of all faculty searches
April 30, 2025:
- Target date for dean of college to notify candidates of the provost’s P&T decisions
April - July:
- Budget meetings with divisional deans
May TBD:
- Lima Campus: Associated faculty annual reviews conducted
May 1, 2025:
- Governance Document Revisions: College target date to send comments to units
May 16, 2025:
- Suggested deadline for completion of faculty annual reviews
- FY26 faculty hiring proposals due to the college
May 23, 2025:
- Lists of proposed external evaluators for 2025-26 P&T cases due to for approval
May 30, 2025:
- College deadline for notifying OAA of non-renewals of probationary faculty appointments
- Copies of staff reviews due to college
June TBD:
- ASC P&T dossier preparation workshop for candidates, chairs and directors of TIUs, departmental administrators, eligible faculty, PODs for the 2025-2026 P&T cycle
June 27, 2025:
- College target date for notifying candidates of results of fourth year reviews and C/T/P and Research reappointment reviews (10-day comments period begins)
- Recommended deadline to submit emeritus faculty requests and other personnel-related requests to the college ( for consideration at the July Board of Trustees meeting
July 1, 2025:
- Governance Document Revisions: Submit to OAA for approval
July 11, 2025:
- Copies of annual review letters to assistant, associate, and full professors due to college via department folders in Teams
July 16, 2025
- Board of Trustees meeting
Resources and Documents
FY26 Course Assignment Inventory Timeline:
- January 15, 2025: Course assignment inventory templates available on Teams
- February 21, 2025: Deadline for units to update course assignment inventories and upload to Teams
- Mid-April 2025: Divisional Deans to complete review of course assignment inventories
- End of February 2026: Units to complete updates to course assignment inventories with any necessary information (e.g., new faculty, updated course numbers, etc.)
- End of September 2026: Units to complete any additional updates to course assignment inventories; files may now be used by other offices (e.g., ASC-HR and ASC-Finance) as needed
Please contact and Liana Crisan Vandeborne.1 with any questions regarding Course Assignment Inventories.
The Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) maintains a listing of Appointments, Promotions and Tenure as well as Pattern of Administration documents. Visit the OAA site and scroll to the section titled College of Arts and Sciences.
Governance Documents Workshop
[April 18, 2023; 11:30am - 1:00pm]
[November 1, 2022; 10:30am - 12:00pm]
ASC Governance Documents Workshop Recording
Promotion & Tenure Workshop
TIU Chairs and Directors
Center Directors
Compensation and Duties
Fiscal Policies
Policy Exceptions