Staff Advisory Council

The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) is a standing council of the College of Arts and Sciences. It is comprised of a maximum of 15 regular staff members from across Arts and Sciences who applied and were selected for two or three-year staggered terms. This diverse council will be convened to advise administration on staff issues, administer staff awards, and facilitate staff development grants, among other tasks.

The SAC meets monthly via Microsoft Teams. Meetings are open to any Arts and Sciences staff member, and all staff are encouraged to attend as frequently as they are able. 

Please email the Chair of the Council if you are interested in attending. 

View Meeting Minutes

Contact the SAC

Grants and Awards

More About the SAC

Michael Hilty (he/they)
Chair and Interim Treasurer, 2nd year member
ASC Curriculum and Assessment Services

Toni Calbert (she/her)
Grants Chair, 2nd year member
ASC Administration

Alyssa Reynolds (she/her)
Communications Chair, 1st year member
Department of History

Rachel Sanabria (she/her)
Awards Chair, 1st year member 
Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Janice Bailey (she/her)
Member, 1st year 
ASC Administration

Heather Brown (she/her) 
Member, 2nd year 
Research Administration

Joe Ernst (he/they)
Member, 1st year
Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures

Julia Papke
Member, 1st year
Department of Linguistics

Jeremie Smith (he/him)
Member, 1st year 
Department of East Asian Languages and Literature

Athena Yiamouyiannis (she/her)
Member, 1st year 
Department of Mathematics

The Staff Advisory Council, on behalf of the College of Arts and Sciences, hosts annual events throughout the year as appreciation for staff and all they do. We look forward to engaging with you soon!

2024-25 Upcoming Events


2024-2025 Past Events

Staff Art Exhibition

Calling all staff artists, makers, and creators! Returning this year is the Ohio State Staff Artists & Makers event, hosted by the Urban Arts Space. Artists, makers, and creatives from main and regional campuses are invited to participate in Creative Lives 2025, an exhibition of staff creative projects. The exhibition will run from January 14-25, 2025.

LGBTQ+ Group Meetings

The Arts and Sciences Staff Advisory Council, in partnership with the ASC Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, will be hosting a LGBTQ+ Holiday Lunch Mixer on Tuesday, December 3rd, from 12:00PM – 2:00PM in University Hall, Room 386B (on the third floor). This event is open to all faculty and staff members within the College. There will be lunch catered. Please reach out to Michael Hilty.70 should you have any questions. 

ASC Staff Advisory Council Career Development Series 

Unleashing the Leader Within: Transforming Ideas into Action! 

By Dr. Athena Yiamouyiannis 

Wednesday, November 13th, 2:00PM - 3:00PM 

Dulles Hall, Room 168

Topic: This session highlights key lessons learned through participation in the OSU TWP Staff Leadership Series, the G. Baro Fearless Leadership Mastermind program, and more. It focuses on self-awareness and self-leadership, providing participants with successful techniques and approaches to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and leadership potential. It is a fun and engaging 1-hour workshop that provides helpful strategies for use in both the workplace and on the homefront.

Presenter Bio: Athena Yiamouyiannis currently serves as Manager of Academic Advising for the OSU Mathematics Department and as President-Elect of the OSU President and Provost’s Council on Women. Previously, she served as Director of Legislative Services for the National Collegiate Athletics Association, Executive Director of the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport, and as Ohio University faculty member teaching governance, leadership and ethics in the OU sport management program. Yiamouyiannis holds a BS in Mathematics and a Masters in Sport Management from OSU, and a doctorate in Higher Ed Admin from George Washington University.

Harvest Your Well-Being

Please join the ASC Staff Advisory Council for an opportunity to unwind and connect with colleagues at the Harvest Your Well-Being Event taking place on Friday, November 1st, from 11:00am - 3:00PM in Dulles Hall, Room 168 (on the first floor). All ASC staff members are invited and welcome to attend. Activities will include coloring pages and light catering.

UPDATE: As of Wednesday, October 30th, BuckeyePaws therapy dogs will not be available to visit. We apologize for any inconvenience.

2023-2024 Past Events

North Market Staff Event returns!

The Arts & Sciences Staff Advisory Council will be hosting an all-staff event at the downtown North Market. We’ll provide meal vouchers* for attendees, so whatever you’re craving, your meal is on us. Managers are encouraged to allow staff time away to connect with colleagues. We look forward to seeing as many ASC staff as possible, and we have two event dates to cater to staff schedules: Tuesday, May 21st from 3:00-5:00pm and Wednesday, May 22nd from 11am-1:30pm. Mark your calendars for whichever date is best for you. Please reach out to Carol Bitzinger.1 with any questions.

Note on logistics: We encourage you to carpool with a friend or colleague, when possible, given the parking situation at North Market. Parking is available at the Vine Street garage, and you can get your ticket validated by any of the North Market vendors. Additional info on parking can be found on North Market’s website. Entrances are located along Park Street.

*Vouchers are only available for event attendees. Attendees will receive one (1) $20 gift card to purchase from North Market vendors. Gift cards will be treated as taxable income. Alcohol should not be purchased with these gift cards.

This event is brought to you by the Arts & Sciences Staff Advisory Council & by the College of Arts & Sciences.

ASC SAC Career Development Series - Journaling With Jenny: Recharge and Gain Insight Through Journaling

Please join the ASC Staff Advisory Council on Thursday, April 18th, from 3:00-4:30PM in Denney Hall, Room 311. Designed to boost insight and energy, this 90-minute interactive workshop introduces participants to the many benefits of journaling and offers them opportunities to reflect.

Wellness writing has been proven to help us learn, reduce stress, and stay healthy. Participants will reflect on how they balance different facets of their lives and consider coping mechanisms they use—those that help and those that don’t. Well discuss burnout that can often happen in academia and chat about ways to protect ourselves from it. Additionally, we’ll explore how gratitude and vulnerability can play a role in our overall well-being (both mental and physical health). Transitions are part of life, and each of us may be in a different stage—thinking about a change, starting something new, being in the middle an in-progress goal, or approaching the end. We’ll reflect on what lies ahead for us and how we can best support ourselves as we continue our life’s journey.

During the session, participants will have the chance to share findings from our writing prompts, but no public engagement is required of anyone if it’s not something they’re comfortable with. After all, our mission is for participants to feel at ease and energized.

Our session will end with a 5- to 10-minute optional Q&A opportunity.

Presenter Bio:

A daily journaler, yogi, and meditator as well as a Mayo Clinic-certified Wellness Coach, workshop leader and OSU senior lecturer Jenny Patton brings a wellness focus to her classrooms and to residence-hall workshops. In her seminar course “How to Live a Fulfilling Life,” a class in which students learn from ancient philosophers and modern science, students experiment with practices such as journaling and meditation. She has received the Award for Outstanding Faculty Program for Enhancing Wellness, the English Undergraduate Organization Associated Faculty Member of the Year Award, and the President and Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching.

ASC Staff Advisory Council Career Development Series 

The Arts & Sciences Staff Advisory Council will be hosting its next session of their Career Development series. This session will be focused on writing the self-evaluation during the performance management process and will include a panel discussion from current ASC managers. This session will take place on Tuesday, March 26th, from 10:00AM – 11:00AM via Zoom. You can register for the session here. For questions, please reach out to Michael Hilty.70 or Carol Bitzinger.1. 

ASC Staff Advisory Council Career Development Series 

Please join the ASC Staff Advisory Council on February 22nd from 2:30PM - 4:00PM in Dulles Hall, Room 168. Our inaugural session of this series will be workshop-style on the topic is on the "Art of Marketing Yourself", and we will have current hiring managers to speak about what they look for in applicants. We recommend bringing a current copy of your resume, but it is not required. Questions? Email Carol Bitzinger.1 or Michael Hilty.70

LGBTQ+ Group Meetings

Please join us for the first LGBTQ+ group meeting of the academic year on Wednesday, September 25th, 10:00am-12:00pm in Dulles Hall 168 (on the first floor). We will be having a lightly catered brunch, complete with coffee, teas, and pastries. This event is open to all staff members in the College of Arts and Sciences. Please reach out to Michael Hilty.70 if you have any questions. 

The next meeting of the LGBTQ+ group hosted by the ASCSAC will be held on Thursday, October 26th, from 12:00PM - 1:00PM in 239 Dulles Hall (on the first floor). We will be having a "BYOL" (Bring Your Own Lunch) social. This event is open to all staff members in the College of Arts and Sciences. Please reach out to Michael Hilty.70 if you have any questions. 

The next meeting of the LGBTQ+ group hosted by the ASCSAC will be held on Friday, November 17th, from 12:00PM - 1:00PM in 168 Dulles Hall (on the first floor). We will be having a "BYOL" (Bring Your Own Lunch) social. This event is open to all staff members in the College of Arts and Sciences. Please reach out to Michael Hilty.70 if you have any questions.  

The final meeting for the calendar year of the LGBTQ+ group hosted by the ASCSAC will be held on Thursday, December 14th, from 10:00AM - 12:00PM in 168 Dulles Hall (on the first floor). We will be having a lightly catered Holiday Brunch, complete with coffee, teas, and pastries. This event is open to all staff members in the College of Arts and Sciences.Please reach out to Michael Hilty.70 if you have any questions.  

Staff Art Exhibition

Coming this fall: a Staff Art Exhibition in the Great Hall of the Ohio Union November 27-30, 2023. For more information, check out the exhibition website:

Join the Microsoft Teams group for OSU Staff Artists & Makers:

Staff Advisory Council Professional Development Series

The Arts & Sciences Staff Advisory Council is introducing a new professional development series, and we want to hear from you! Join us on Tuesday, December 5th in Dulles Hall, Room 264 from 1:30PM - 2:30PM to learn about our planned professional development offerings starting in Spring 2024, to ask questions, and to share your thoughts with us on the kinds of career-building support you would like to see. Light refreshments will be provided. If you would like to connect with us or have any questions, please contact Carol Bitzinger.1 or Michael Hilty.70. 

ASC Staff Advisory Council LGBTQ+ Meeting 

The next meeting of the LGBTQ+ group hosted by the ASCSAC will be held on Wednesday, September 13th, from 12:00PM - 1:00PM in 264 Dulles Hall (on the second floor). We will be having a "BYOL" (Bring Your Own Lunch) social and discussing future events that we'd like to see. Any LGBTQ+ staff member in the College of Arts and Sciences is invited and welcome to attend! Please reach out to Michael Hilty.70 if you have any questions.  

ASC Staff Pride Mixer

The College of Arts and Sciences Staff Advisory Council is hosting a Pride mixer open to LGBTQIA+ staff in the college to celebrate Pride 2023. The purpose of this mixer is to begin to build a supportive community of staff within the college. Please join us on Wednesday, June 28 from 10 a.m. to noon in Denney Hall, Room 311. Contact Michael Hilty ( if you have any questions.

2022-2023 Past Events


Catching up on stories. Getting a scoop of ice cream. Meeting new faces.

It’s been toooooooooooooo long since we’ve been able to be together.

Come out to North Market and reconnect at the ASC ALL-STAFF REUNION.

Sign up and pick a day to mingle with fellow staff over a North Market snack or meal of your choice (Pssst....It’s on us). Managers are encouraged to allow staff to have time to away for this important spring reconnection event. Choose a single day to attend so we have enough meal vouchers for attendees on each day at the Market:*

Tuesday, June 14 from 9-10:30am

Wednesday, June 15 from 12-1:30pm

Thursday, June 16 from 3-4:30pm


We’ll also be celebrating our spring Grant Winners and Outstanding Staff Winners at this event!

Note: We encourage you to carpool with a friend or colleague, when possible, given the parking situation at North Market.

*Vouchers are only available for event attendees.

This event is brought to you by the ASC Staff Advisory Council & ASC Leadership.

LGBTQ Pride Month Mixer!

The College of Arts and Sciences Staff Advisory Council is hosting a mixer for LGBTQ staff, faculty, and graduate students in the College during Pride Month 2022. The purpose of this mixer is to build community, develop our network, and discuss opportunities for future advocacy and engagement. Contact Brian ( or Jackson ( if you have any questions.

2020 Past Events

Reach Out: An Education & Advocacy Session for Suicide Prevention
Date/time: November 19, 2020 3:00-4:15p
Location: Zoom

Facilitators: Elizabeth Vu & Mark Hamilton

ASC Staff Workshop: Creative Solutions for Remote Work Challenges
Date/time: September 23, 2020 3:00-5:00p
Location: Zoom

The ASC Staff Advisory Council would like to invite to you a Workshop and Conversation devoted to developing solutions to the remote work challenges we are facing this year. We'll break out into small groups for guided discussion of existing policies, discuss how some departments are making it work, and work together to develop some tips and recommendations for how to overcome obstacles. 

Notes from this event can be viewed here [PDF].

ASC Staff Workshop: Tools to Amplify Underrepresented Voices in Your Daily Work

Date/time: March 3, 2020 1:00-2:30p
Location: Psychology Building, Room 035

Dr. Megan LePere-Schloop, Assistant Professor, and Dr. Andrea Headley, Assistant Professor, both of the John Glenn College of Public Affairs will present.

Space is limited! Please RSVP by February 28, 2020. 

Career Roadmap Town Hall
Date/time: January 22, 2020 12:30-2:00pm
Location: Physics Research Building, Smith Seminar Room, Rm 1080

The ASC Staff Advisory Council would like to invite you to a town hall session devoted to answering your questions regarding the Career Roadmap process. College HR representatives Jen Prak and Peggy Link as well as Rob Prisbrey, Compensation Projects Senior Director, and Darrell Dupuis, Compensation Consultant, will give a brief overview of the process then answer questions from the audience. 

 If you cannot attend in person, the town hall will also be available via Zoom.

2019 Past Events

2018-19 Arts and Sciences Staff Advisory Council Fiscal Report
Date/time: July 30, 2019 3:00-4:30pm
Location: Townshend Hall, room 248

Dare to Lead: Developing brave leaders and courageous cultures.
Join us for a discussion on award winning author Brené Brown’s book Dare to Lead which focuses on incorporating vulnerability and courage in our everyday lives. 

ASC Staff Advisory Council Holiday Celebration
Date/time: December 11, 2019 5:00-8:00pm
Location: Seventh Sons Brewing Co. 1101 N 4th St, Columbus, OH 43201

Join us for this year's Staff Advisory Council Holiday Celebration!

Come to mingle with fellow staff, make new friends, and establish connections. Guests are welcome!

We will have a photo booth, and Post-It recognition wall for you to write out things that you and/or your colleagues have accomplished or were proud of this year (Spoiler: we know there is A LOT).

If you're not interested in traditional "networking", this is a great opportunity for you to come meet, and interact with staff at a low pressure brewery!

Bring your best post-work self, enjoy snacks, and have a drink or two! We can't wait to meet you!

Applications are now live. Please see below for information about applying to be on the Council!

Become a member of the Staff Advisory Council by applying below for a three (3) year term, starting in July.

The ASC Staff Advisory Council seeks to: foster communication between staff and administrators; promote a positive and innovative work environment; recognize the needs and interests of the staff as they relate to the missions of the College of Arts and Sciences and The Ohio State University. We do this by helping staff gain greater access to professional development opportunities within the college and across the university. We also work to enhance the visibility of staff performance through our commitment to staff recognition programs and staff support and appreciation events.

As a member of the council you will collaborate with other staff members who share a common goal of contributing to a positive work experience for all Arts and Sciences staff!

Apply now

The mission of the College of Arts & Sciences (ASC) Staff Advisory Council (SAC) is to act on behalf of all College of Arts & Sciences staff in bringing matters of collective interest to the attention of the Executive Dean. Specifically, the council seeks to foster communication between staff and administrators; promote a positive and innovative work environment; ensure staff development, and recognize the needs and interests of the staff as they relate to the missions of the College of Arts & Sciences the The Ohio State University.

The SAC values diversity in people and perspectives and is committed to advancing inclusion and equity internally and for staff throughout the college in collaboration with key university stakeholders.

Staff play a crucial role in the functioning of the College of Arts and Sciences (ASC). Currently, 853 staff are employed in the college. These staff contribute to the success of 38 departments; 27 centers; 18 initiatives, programs, institutes, and schools; and 13 museums, galleries, and labs. Arts & Sciences staff occupy 34 buildings and can be found across campus.

In alignment with The Ohio State University’s Shared Values, the Arts and Sciences Staff Advisory Council strives to promote an inclusive culture for all Arts & Sciences staff through our advocacy and actions. We stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We abhor the ongoing, entrenched, and systemic violence against Black people, Indigenous people, people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and those murdered due to antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Asian sentiment in the US. Hate has no place on our campus. Further, we believe that an inclusive culture benefits all members of our College in their work, research, teaching, and learning.

We recognize that The Ohio State University and the College of Arts & Sciences are not free from the systemic racism that pervades our nation. As your Staff Advisory Council, we are committed to antiracist actions and allyship:

  • We seek to amplify the voices and recognize the service of those working to remove barriers and foster equity in the College by establishing an annual Social Justice Staff Award.
  • We foster a culture of anti-racism in Arts & Sciences by supporting the anti-racist efforts of students and faculty.  
  • We support the inclusion of pronouns in college signatures and in Zoom names.
  • We prioritize recruiting staff members of color to join the Staff Advisory Council.   
  • We will continue to work with Dean Horn to promote a culture of anti-racism, diversity and inclusion in the college, encouraging College leadership to acknowledge that attending diversity and inclusion professional development events should be counted as time worked.
  • We will dedicate at least one meeting per year to work directly with our College Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to engage in dialogue on how to improve our DEIJ efforts. We will amplify the voices of Arts & Sciences staff to continuously improve the climate of our College.
  • We host an annual Pride brunch for LGBTQ+ staff, students, and faculty in the College.
  • We encourage the acknowledgement of land at college events in recognition and respect of the relationship between indigenous peoples and ancestral and contemporary territories.  

If interested in attending our meetings, please contact our co-chairs. We hope that you can join us in action to build a better future for everyone.   

In Solidarity,  

The Arts and Sciences Staff Advisory Council 

Staff Advisory Council Bylaws—revised and ratified May 2023

I. Name

The name of the council is the College of Arts and Sciences Staff Advisory Council referred to herein as “SAC”.

II. Mission Statement

The mission of the College of Arts and Sciences (ASC) Staff Advisory Council is to act on behalf of all College of Arts and Sciences staff in bringing matters of collective interest to the attention of the Dean. Specifically, the council seeks to foster communication between staff and administrators; promote a positive and innovative work environment; ensure staff development and recognize the needs and interests of the staff as they relate to the missions of the College of Arts and Sciences and The Ohio State University.

The SAC values diversity in people and perspectives and is committed to advancing inclusion and equity internally and for staff throughout the college in collaboration with key university stakeholders.

 III. Membership

1. Regular Members

The council is composed of a maximum of fifteen regular members. The council membership shall always strive to include at least one member from each ASC Division and at least one member from the non-academic units. The SAC seeks to maintain a diversity of membership and viewpoints and be an inclusive representation of the College. Members are selected for three-year appointments, commencing July each year. Renewable for an additional consecutive term (see Reappointment).

2. Eligibility

To be eligible to serve on ASC SAC, an individual must have at least one year of work experience in the Arts and Sciences; have a 75% FTE or greater appointment as Classified Civil Service, Unclassified Administrative and Professional, or Senior Administrative and Professional; and not be in a position that reports directly to the Dean.

3. Selection

Staff who would like to serve on the ASC SAC should respond to an annual Call for Nominations and complete the application form. Recommendations are also accepted for consideration.

4. To ensure representation across the College, the Dean shall ask Divisions to appoint a staff representative to SAC for a three-year term. Acting as a staff advisor to the Dean and the College is a critical role. As such, staff involved in SAC should have their involvement worked into their performance goals for the year and their workload adjusted to allow time for full participation.

5. Reappointment: at the end of their term, members can reapply for appointment. Membership appointments are open to reappointment based on nominations, with preference given to new applicants. The additional term can be for one, two, or up to three years, as confirmed by the Council at the time of renewal application.

  1. Term limits: membership is restricted to two consecutive terms with the possibility for    reappointment after two years of non-service.

6. Vacancies

  1. Council membership vacancies that arise shall be filled within two months or via the annual     selection process, if it is underway.
  2. Off-cycle replacement of officers: In the event that an officer cannot fulfill their term, the co-  chair(s) will solicit internal nominations from the SAC and hold a vote to replace the officer. The replacement officer will serve through June, at which time the regular nomination process for officers will take place. The replacement officer can be nominated again during the regular cycle.
  3. Off-cycle replacement of members: In the event that a member cannot fulfill their term, the co-chairs will solicit nominations from SAC and hold a council vote to determine who to recruit to replace the member(s). The cochairs will send a request for membership to the agreed upon recruits.

IV. Officers


At least six (6) members of the ASC SAC will serve as administrators for the Council: two Co-Chairs, one Treasurer. one Grants Subcommittee Chair, one Awards Subcommittee Chair, and at least one Communications Officer. Each officer serves a one-year term beginning in July and running through the following June (see Reappointment for details about renewal).


The duties of the Co-Chairs:

  • Facilitate and foster an open, inclusive, and positive atmosphere
  • Call meetings and set the agenda
  • Preside over and conduct the meetings in accord with accepted meeting procedures
  • Aid in setting the goals and priorities of any subcommittees
  • Monitor that the bylaws are followed
  • Organize and administrate the work of the Council
  • The duties of the Treasurer:
  • Manage and Track the Council Budget
  • Procurement
  • Coordinate the SAC budget with the ASC Fiscal Officer

The duties of the Grants and Awards Subcommittee Chairs:

  • Annually review the application/nomination materials and work with the Communications Officer(s) to update the website as necessary.
  • Work with Communications Officer to publicize call for award nominations and grant applications.
  • Respond to any questions on application processes.
  • Check eligibility requirements and organize applications prior to review of the full council.
  • Work with ASC Fiscal and HR to notify winners, and with College Administration to coordinate inclusion in the College’s annual awards ceremony.

The duties of the Communications Officer:

  • Maintain website with current bylaws, awards and grants information, events, and other content as needed
  • Act as liaison between the Council and ASC Marketing & Communications team to publicize events, membership, and grants/awards.
  • When applicable, take meeting minutes and post to the website.

V. Meetings

1. Frequency

The yearly organizational meeting shall be held in May to determine the meeting schedule and council assignments. The ASC SAC shall meet with the Deans at a minimum of once per academic term.

2. Quorum

A quorum shall consist of an officer and a simple majority of ASC SAC.

3. Voting

The council shall strive for consensus decision-making. On issues where consensus is not achieved, voting will be conducted per Robert's Rules of Order.

4. Special Meetings

Either SAC chair shall be authorized to call special meetings. Except in the rare case of an emergency, five (5) business days’ notice shall be given.

5. Special Events

An expectation of participation in SAC special events is a significant part of council membership.

VII. Special Projects

Ad hoc subcommittees and or taskforces to address special tasks may be formed at the concerted discretion of the SAC Chairs. The chair of an ad hoc subcommittee shall be a council member and report out to the Council at each monthly meeting.

VIII. Amendment of Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the council by a majority vote of the full council. Suggested amendments shall be submitted to the Co-Chairs for distribution to the full council no later than two working days prior to the next business meeting.