Prestigious Awards, Fellowships & Prizes

The Ohio State University Office of Research has launched a new database that will allow investigators to search and subscribe to relevant opportunities. This report includes those opportunities most commonly applied to by the Ohio State research community, including limited submissions, coordinated opportunities, as well as scholarly prizes/awards. Visit the "My Stuff" menu and select [Manage My Tags] to choose your tag(s) and set an email frequency. Please review this PDF for further information.

Office of Foundation Relations assists faculty and staff identify potential private foundation funders.

Office of Industry Partnerships and Research Collaborations (OIPRC) cultivates and fosters mutually beneficial relationships with corporations worldwide by supporting their innovation and research needs and aspirations through access to Ohio State's faculty, students and assets.

External Fellowship Subsidy (EFS)

*NEW: External Fellowship Subsidies are no longer limited to Arts & Humanities. Find out below if you are eligible today.

Long-term external fellowships provide salary (with or without benefits and research funds) that is typically capped at a flat amount. When that amount is less than the faculty member’s nine-month salary at Ohio State, the college provides additional funds (the subsidy) to allow the faculty member to accept the fellowship and maintain their full salary and benefits. A subsidy can be for one semester or for an entire year, and the fellowship can be carried out at Ohio State or off site. There are no formal teaching or service responsibilities during the fellowship period, so that the faculty member can focus on the fellowship project.

Tenure-track faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences are eligible to receive the subsidy. The fellowship amount must generally be equivalent to at least 40% of the faculty member’s salary and benefits over the period of the fellowship. Fellowships at lesser amounts may be taken during off duty (summer) periods; used to supplement salary during a full-year Faculty Professional Leave; used to buy out courses as specified in the college’s “Course Release Rates” guidelines; or taken as unpaid leave. Faculty who receive the subsidy must commit to continuing their faculty appointment in the college for at least one year after the conclusion of the fellowship, except in cases where there is an agreement that they will retire at the end of the fellowship period. Subsidies may not be used for visiting professorships at other institutions, and any publications resulting from the fellowship period should list Ohio State as the faculty member’s institutional affiliation.

The department chair and the divisional dean will consider granting a subsidy when a research and/or teaching fellowship from an external entity funding has been received. A subsidy is not guaranteed and approval will be influenced by at least the following factors:

  • the prestige of the award (is it at the level, for example, of a Guggenheim, NEH, ACLS, or similarly prestigious award?);
  • the extent of the salary recovery level (generally expected to be at least 40%).
  • the likely impact of the released time on the faculty member’s career;
  • the amount of similar support previously received by the faculty member from the College of Arts and Sciences;
  • the number of special assignments or leaves recently provided to the faculty member;
  • the differential amount between the cost of teaching replacement and the amount of the award;
  • the impact of the released time on the teaching responsibilities, course offerings, and distribution of faculty duties in the faculty member’s Department or School; and
  • the eligibility of the faculty member for a Faculty Professional Leave.

Applications will only be accepted through DocuSign, using the External Fellowship Subsidy Application [DocuSign]. Once the application has been submitted, your chair/director will be asked to upload a letter of support and sign the application. Applications will not be accepted in hard copy or email. Applications must be submitted at least three months before the requested leave period. Late applications will not be accepted. For more information on how to submit a proposal using DocuSign, please see below:

The Associate Dean for Research will review the application for completeness, adherence to established guidelines, and appropriateness. He will discuss the proposed leave with the appropriate Divisional Dean and the Chief Administrative Officer. 

The college’s decision will be delivered to the applicant via Docusign. The Chief Administrative Officer will coordinate the funding process with the appropriate finance manager.

The preferred method of bringing external fellowship funds into the university is through the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).  Receiving and disbursing funds through OSP relieves the College of the burden of collecting funds, making deposits and financial reporting.  Locating funds in an OSP project also provides the simplest method of reimbursing a department for faculty time and effort through HR system release-time appointments. The College will consider alternate routes of accepting funds into the college on a case-by-case basis only when the OSP option has been explored and found to be impossible to implement.

Unless otherwise specified in the requirements of the Fellowship Award, the fellowship funds will be applied to faculty salary and benefits. Funds for other uses (e.g., faculty travel; equipment, housing) will be considered on a case by case basis as long as the funds for salary and benefits meet the 40% threshold. The released faculty salary will be first provided to the department or school in part or in whole to replace the instructional commitment which results from the faculty member’s absence. If funding remains after satisfying the unit’s instructional commitment, the funding will be utilized at the discretion of the Divisional Dean.

Tax Liability: According to the Federal Tax Reform Act of 1986, fellowship stipends are considered taxable income. The College of Arts and Sciences encourages fellows to consult with a tax professional regarding their annual tax filing. The college is not able to give guidance regarding tax liability. However, based on past experience, we’ve found that fellows who’ve consulted a tax professional have had their questions/concerns satisfactorily addressed.

Prestigious Fellowships and Awards in Arts and Humanities

The following fellowships are used as one component in the rankings of universities through the Center for Measuring University Performance (CMUP) and the Association of American University (AAU). Please be aware of upcoming deadlines for these prestigious awards.

*Please note that this is a non-exhaustive list.

Deadline: By Nomination from American Academy for Arts & Sciences members

The Academy membership encompasses over 4,600 Fellows and 600 Foreign Honorary Members and reflects the full range of disciplines and professions: mathematics, the physical and biological sciences, medicine, the social sciences and humanities, business, government, public affairs, and the arts. Nomination to the Academy is a privilege restricted to the Fellowship.

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Deadline: January 15, 2023

AAS Fellows are selected on the basis of the applicant's scholarly qualifications, the scholarly significance or importance of the project, and the appropriateness of the proposed study to the Society's collections.

Limited Submission
Although not categorized as a limited submission opportunity by the sponsoring organization, Ohio State would like to coordinate all applications from the institution. Please check with your dean or department chair before applying.

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Deadline: September 28, 2022

Invites research applications in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant.

Limited Submission
Although not categorized as a limited submission opportunity by the sponsoring organization, Ohio State would like to coordinate all applications from the institution. Please check with your dean or department chair before applying.

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Deadline: Various

ASCSA is the most significant resource in Greece for American scholars in the fields of Greek language, literature, history, archaeology, philosophy, and art, from pre-Hellenic times to the present. Fellows will be expected to reside primarily at the School in Athens, though research  may be carried out elsewhere in Greece.

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Deadline: October 15, 2022

Fellows in the fields of history, theory, and criticism of visual arts; European art before the early nineteenth century; and modern and contemporary art reside in Washington, participate in the activities of the Center, and conduct full-time research.

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Deadline: September 15, 2022

Offers opportunities for American scholars to conduct research, lecture, and/or consult with other scholars and institutions abroad.

Limited Submission
Although not categorized as a limited submission opportunity by the sponsoring organization, Ohio State would like to coordinate all applications from the institution. Please check with your dean or department chair before applying.

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Deadline: October 3, 2022

The Getty Research Institute welcomes scholars, artists, and other cultural figures from around the world to work in residence at the Institute on projects that bear upon its annual theme. While in residence, scholars pursue their own research projects, make use of Getty collections, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty Center and the Getty Villa.

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Deadline: September 2023

Often characterized as “midcareer” awards, Guggenheim Fellowships are intended for scholars who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts.

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Supports scholarship in all fields of historical research for a one to two term fellowship at the Institute in Princeton.

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Deadline: April 12, 2023

Fellowships support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. Recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources in the humanities.

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Deadline: October 6, 2022

For advanced study in history, languages, philosophy, literature and others in the humanities. Mid-career scholars as well as senior scholars are encouraged to apply. Emerging scholars with a strong record of peer-reviewed work may also apply.

Limited Submission
Although not categorized as a limited submission opportunity by the sponsoring organization, Ohio State would like to coordinate all applications from the institution. Please check with your dean or department chair before applying.

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Deadline: November 1, 2022

Support individual scholarly research and promote serious intellectual exchange through active participation in the Newberry’s scholarly activities, including fellows’ seminars and the weekly colloquium.

Limited Submission
Although not categorized as a limited submission opportunity by the sponsoring organization, Ohio State would like to coordinate all applications from the institution. Please check with your dean or department chair before applying.

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Deadline: November 1, 2022

The American Academy Rome selects fellows in the following disciplines: architecture; design; historic preservation and conservation; landscape architecture; literature (includes fiction, literary nonfiction, and poetry); musical composition; visual arts; ancient studies; medieval studies; renaissance and early modern studies; and modern Italian studies.

Limited Submission
Internal deadline in mid-September.

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Deadline: October 1, 2022

While in residence for 9 months, fellows conduct research and write in their areas of expertise, while interacting with policymakers in Washington and Wilson Center staff.

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Deadline: Various

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Deadline: TBD

Candidates identified by external nominations 

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Deadline: Nominations accepted as early as January

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Deadline: July 26, 2023

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Please contact the Associate Dean for Research with questions.