
The following College of Arts and Sciences awards recognize the achievements of arts and sciences faculty. Information on eligibility, the nomination process and nomination deadlines may be accessed in the accordions below. Unless otherwise noted, please direct any questions about Awards to or Kyle Williams.5301

Awards open to all Arts and Sciences faculty

Award Amount: $1000, up to two awardees per division per year for each award

Purpose: To recognize outstanding performance in all three areas of research, teaching and service of early and mid-career faculty at the time of promotion

Eligibility: Tenure-track faculty undergoing review for promotion to associate professor (for early career award) or promotion to Professor (mid-career award)

Criteria: Top one or two candidates from each division at each promotion level, based on performance in all three areas of research, teaching and service

Process: Recipients will be selected by the divisional promotion and tenure review panels based on materials in the promotion and tenure dossiers submitted to the college. No separate nomination process is required. The awards will be presented at the Arts and Sciences spring event.

Contact: Kristi Williams, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs,

The Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professorship is an honorific title, not a new faculty rank. This award serves to honor full professor colleagues who have excelled in teaching, service, and research/creative activity, and whose work has demonstrated significant impact on their fields, students, college and university, and/or the public. It is essential that such professorships be reserved for the most distinguished faculty. Therefore, no more than 10% of the total number of full professors in the College of Arts and Sciences may hold this title at any one time. 

Award Amount:  $1000, up to three awards per year


To recognize the outstanding accomplishments of any faculty member or team of faculty members in the College of Arts and Sciences whose research, teaching and/or service/outreach activities promote diversity and support a culture that embraces and exhibits inclusive excellence, community, and openness.


Any faculty member (tenure-track, clinical, research, or associated) or team of faculty members whose appointment is in the college.


  • Teaching
    • Development and implementation of curricular, mentoring, advising, or pipeline programs that advance the education and learning of students from diverse cultural and racial backgrounds in the area of instruction and/or promote understanding of such groups within a particular area
  • Research and creative work
    • Development and dissemination of projects that study the scientific, social, and cultural contexts that impact our understanding of diversity and/or have the potential to diversify the field of study
  • Service and outreach
    • Development and implementation of activities and support of groups that advance diversity and equity within the university, within professional groups, and/or within the community.

Nomination Process

Submit the following items as a single PDF to by February 1:

  • Cover sheet (print out the application form below to serve as your cover sheet)
  • Letter of nomination (from any student, staff, faculty member, or administrator) addressing the accomplishments of the faculty member in relation to the criteria above
  • Brief (50 word) proposed citation for the award, summarizing the main contribution
  • Optional 1-2 page appendix providing additional information that documents impact
  • CV of nominee(s)

Selection Process

The recipient(s) will be chosen by a faculty committee convened by the Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs that includes representatives from all three divisions of the college. 

General Focus:

The Harlan Hatcher Arts and Sciences Distinguished Faculty Award recognizes a full professor who has a truly exceptional record in teaching, research, and service. The award was established July 12, 2002, with gifts from Mrs. Anne Hatcher and her family from Ann Arbor, Michigan, in honor and memory of Dr. Harlan Hatcher, an alumnus and former dean of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State University and then president of the University of Michigan from 1951 until his retirement in 1967.


Nomination Deadline: February 1

Nomination Process: Distinction will be measured across all three areas: teaching, research, and service. Ideally, the successful candidate will excel in all three areas. It is possible, however, that he/she might be extraordinary in only one area, if excellence is obvious in the other two. Nomination materials must present the case clearly for each candidate. If the nomination letter cites accomplishments that are not documented in the curriculum vitae, the nomination letter should include evidence of these accomplishments. In keeping with the university's ongoing commitment to diversity, nominations of women and minority faculty members are strongly encouraged. Eminent Scholars, Distinguished University Professors, and previous Harlan Hatcher awardees are not eligible for this award. The nomination should include:

  • Nomination letter (no more than 3 pages) that provides a clear and detailed rationale for the nomination, including a statement of the nominee's impact on his or her discipline with reference to accomplishments in teaching, research, and service (e.g., detail about awards, honors, citations, and research funding).
  • Curriculum vitae

Submission Process: Chairs may submit nominations of one of their faculty members to the Office of the Dean by sending an electronic copy of the nominee's packet to 

Funding: A one-time award of up to $3,000 in support of academic work will be provided annually by the Harlan Hatcher Memorial Award Fund.

Contact Person:  Kristi Williams, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs, 

The Ohio State University bestows the distinction of an honorary degree upon those individuals who have made significant contributions to the human condition in the national and international arena. An honorary degree from our university is a public manifestation and reflection of its commitment to and support of excellence. The Senate’s Committee on Honorary Degrees guides the nomination process. Please review the criteria below and consider nominating worthy individuals.

ContactLorraine Wallace, Honorary Degree Committee Chair

General Focus

The Honors Faculty Service Award recognizes excellence in honors advising, honors instruction, honors committee work, and other honors initiatives and responsibilities which have enhanced the quality of education available to honors students in the liberal arts.


Deadline: February 1

Nomination Process: Chairs may submit nominations of one of their faculty members to the Arts and Sciences Honors Program by sending an electronic copy of the nominee's packet to: Lindsey Chamberlain ( The nomination should include:

  • Nomination letter that addresses the nominee’s contribution to honors advising (e.g., honors advising of a general departmental nature, of issues relating to graduate school, of fellowships, and/or of honors students who undertake research projects and theses); honors instruction; participation in the recruitment and retention of high-ability students; honors committee work at the departmental, division, and/or Arts and Sciences level; and special honors responsibilities or initiatives. Nominations should include (where possible) specific information and numbers about research, thesis advisees, etc.
  • Curriculum vitae

Submission Process: Please submit an electronic copy of the nominee’s packet to Lindsey Chamberlain, Assistant Dean, Academic Enrichment.

Funding: A one-time award of $1,000 will be provided annually.

Contact: Lindsey Chamberlain, Assistant Dean, Academic Enrichment.

This award was originated by the College of Arts and Sciences Student Council and recognizes a College of Arts and Sciences graduate teaching associate (GTA) for excellence in teaching.  This award is unique in that the entire award process is administered by the College of Arts and Sciences Student Council. Only undergraduate students may submit nominations. The Arts and Sciences Student Council reviews CVs and SEI scores, interviews nominees, visits classes, and makes the final selection. Previous College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Graduate Associate Teaching Award recipients are not eligible for this award. A one-time award of $500 is provided annually.

Contact PersonAnn Rottersman, Director of Student Programs

The Outstanding Teaching Award recognizes a College of Arts and Sciences faculty member for excellence in teaching. This award is unique in that the entire award process is administered by the College of Arts and Sciences Student Council (ASCSC). ASCSC solicits nominations annually. Only undergraduate students may submit nominations for this award. Previous College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award recipients are not eligible for this award. A one-time award of $1,000 is provided annually.

Contact Person: Ann Rottersman, Director of Student Programs,

General Focus

This award is presented annually to a faculty member, regular staff member or student from within The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences who has demonstrated outstanding mentoring to and/or leadership on behalf of women or other historically underrepresented groups at the university. The award will be granted to an individual, irrespective of gender, rank and status, who has generously and unselfishly served others in an effort to promote equity, fairness, and equal opportunities for all members of the university community.


Nomination Deadline: February 1

Nomination Process: The nomination letter should be no more than 3 pages and should provide a clear and detailed description of the nominee's accomplishments related to mentoring and/or leadership on behalf of women or other historically underrepresented groups at the university.

Submission Process: College of Arts and Sciences students, faculty, and staff members may submit a nomination by sending an electronic copy of the nomination letter to 

Funding: A one-time award of $1,000 will be provided annually by the Susan M. Hartmann Mentoring and Leadership Award fund.

Contact Person: Kristi Williams, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs, 

Arts and Humanities Faculty

For College of Arts and Sciences funding opportunities in support of faculty research, please see the following web page: Support of Faculty Research.

The Paul W. Brown Excellence in Teaching Award was established October 29, 2010, by the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Board of Directors of The Ohio State University Foundation, with gifts from Susan Ellen Brown (B.A. 1968, J.D. 1971) in memory of her father, Ohio Supreme Court Justice Paul W. Brown (B.A. 1937, J.D. 1939).

The annual distribution from this fund shall provide two awards for teaching excellence; one for a faculty member in the Department of English and one for a faculty member in the Department of History. Recipients shall be selected by the executive dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in consultation with the respective chairs of the departments.

Excellence in Teaching Award supports a faculty member in the Department of English and faculty member in the Department of History for teaching excellence. ($1,200 award)

If you wish to nominate a professor please contact either the Chair of Department of History or Chair of Department of English. One page nomination can include:

  1. Name of Nominee, Department of Nominee
  2. Statement of Nomination/Rational for Nomination
    1. Courses taken with this faculty member, if applicable.
    2. Describe the qualities that make this professor an outstanding classroom teacher.
    3. Describe the qualities displayed outside the classroom (mentoring, advising, etc.) that contribute to this teacher's excellence.
    4. Describe the particularly effective technologies or strategies in teaching that this professor utilizes.
    5. Overall address the reason this faculty member is a "distinguished undergraduate teacher" History or English.

Nominations are due to the Chair of the Department of English or the Chair of the Department of History, based on the nominee’s home department. Please contact either Chair for the appropriate due date or any other questions you may have.

Rodica C. Botoman Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring supports a member of the Humanities faculty who best exemplifies excellence as a teacher of undergraduates. While the emphasis is on outstanding performance in the classroom, the selection committee also considers the nominee's performance as a mentor or advisor and use of innovative teaching strategies for the advancement of learning. ($5,000 award)

Nomination must include:

1. Name of Nominee, Department of Nominee.

2. Statement of Nomination

  • Courses taken with this faculty member, if applicable.
  • Describe the qualities that make this professor an outstanding classroom teacher.
  • Describe the qualities displayed outside the classroom (mentoring, advising, etc.) that contribute to this teacher's excellence.
  • Describe the any particularly effective technologies or strategies in teaching that this professor utilizes.
  • Overall, address the reason this faculty member is a "distinguished undergraduate teacher."

3. Support letters from additional students, if available.

4. Support letter from chair or director of department or school addressing any additional information including, but not limited to, SEIs or SETs, regular peer evaluation reports, or annual personal statements, etc.

For questions please contact Arts and Humanities Dean Dana Renga,

Nominations are due [DocuSign] by February 1.

Beginning in 2014, the Ratner Distinguished Teachings Awards are presented annually for outstanding teaching by tenure-track faculty within the twenty-one units of the Division of Arts and Humanities.

The Ratner Awards recognize faculty who have exemplary records of engaging, motivating, and inspiring students as well as of making a difference in students’ educations, lives, and careers. Recipients of the award will be chosen based on the excellence of their records as well as on their vision of how they will continue to grow as a teacher.

The Donors' intention is to provide substantial teachings awards in the Arts and Humanities. The total award is presented as a $10,000 cash prize, a $5,000 research award, and subsequent funding of $20,000 for teaching enhancement. This teaching account is intended to inspire continued excellence in teaching by supporting course design and enhancement, curricular development, experiential learning, or other projects that directly impact students. Accounts must be used within two academic years after the year in which the award is made.


The Ratner Awards recognize assistant, associate, and full professors who have a minimum of three years of teaching experience at Ohio State. Awards are non-repeatable unless a previous awardee is applying for a brand-new project a minimum of five years after the original award.  

Application Process

Interested applicants should submit to their department chair a Teaching Portfolio consisting of the first six items listed below. The department chair then adds a letter of recommendation and sends all of the required materials as a single PDF to Applications are due by Monday, Nov. 4, 2024.

If you have any questions, please email Awards will be announced by the end of fall semester and recognized at a spring awards event.

Application Materials

To be considered for the Ratner Awards, applicants should prepare a Teaching Portfolio consisting of the following:

  1. Cover page (Found in the application link below)
  2. Statement of vision as a teacher and impact upon students. This statement should address how your vision has informed your teaching to date and how it speaks to your plans for continued professional development and experimentation as a teacher. It should also describe and present appropriate evidence of your track record of engaging and inspiring students. (500-750 words)
  3. Two Sample Syllabi
  4. Two Peer Observations of Teaching from the past 5 years (may be from faculty members within or outside the department, including those with whom you have co-taught or collaborated on teaching in any way)
  5. Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) Summary from the last three years (summary available from the University Registrar)
  6. Brief description of plans for $10,000 teaching enhancement grant (250-500 words). Preference will be given to proposals that give direct benefit to students. Funds may not be used to buy out courses but up to 50% may be used for off duty [summer] pay to support the applicant’s work on the project
  7. Letter of Recommendation from Department Chair or School Director

Selection Committee

The Selection Committee will consist of a designee of the divisional dean of arts and humanities, two tenured faculty members from the Division of Arts and Humanities, and, if available, a representative from the Wexner Center for the Arts, and the donors or their designee. The divisional dean for arts and humanities will review the committee’s recommendations to make the awards.

Virginia Hull Award fund supports diversity at the university, consistent with the university's mission, with particular attention to, but not limited to, female faculty members in the Humanities who are at the rank of assistant or associate professor. ($2,500 award)

Application must include:

  1. Tenure-track faculty member at the rank of assistant or associate.
  2. Three page description of the research project including: significance of the project, methodology, timeline, budget.
  3. Three page abbreviated CV.

Apply for the Virginia Hull Award [DocuSign]

For questions please contact Arts and Humanities Dean Dana Renga,

Applications are due February 1.

Social and Behavioral Sciences Faculty

The Joan N. Huber Faculty Fellowships are supported from endowment funds in honor of Joan Huber, who in her own scholarly career and as Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences from 1984-1992 set the highest standards for all. This fellowship program recognizes some of the very strongest scholars in the social and behavioral sciences disciplines. Each year the college awards no more than three fellowships to full professors nominated by department chairs and school directors in the division of social and behavioral sciences. 

The fellowships explicitly recognize first-rate scholarship for individuals not already so recognized by virtue of being an Eminent Scholar, holder of a Chair, a Distinguished University Professor or a Distinguished Scholar.  Distinguished Scholars chosen before they were full professors are eligible. Department Chairs/School Directors and Associate Deans are ineligible. Nominees must have been at Ohio State for at least three years. Each chair or director may nominate two colleagues. The Divisional Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences makes the selections in consultation with SBS department chairs and school directors.

SBS/ASC Distinguished Professors are not eligible to be nominated.

In addition to the title and recognition associated with the Joan N. Huber Faculty Fellow Award, each colleague chosen will also receive an annual cash award of $6,000 a year for three years to further her or his research program.  

Each nomination should consist of a letter from the chair or director summarizing the stature of the candidate in her/his field. The letter should include summary data on the candidate’s scholarly productivity (publications, grants, citations), along with a comparison of the candidate to selected strong scholars at other major universities who are at the same stage of their careers. The letters of nomination should be long on substantiated claims and short on rhetoric. A current vita should be appended to the letter from the chair or director.

Nomination materials are to be submitted to Ryan King by 5 p.m. on February 1.